Find Me Their Bones (Bring Me Their Hearts #2) by Sara Wolf

"Impossible girl stands here in front of a Cavanosian king, existing exactly where she shouldn't, when she shouldn't."

Wow, this was a great sequel, but also a lot more emotional than I was expecting! Zera is back, as Heartless and witty as ever, but this installment also dug deeper into her feelings, fears, and regrets. Seeing her unheart twist had me tearing up a couple times myself, yet the bite of her sword and adventure was there to bring me back from the edge of the cliff of tissues every time.

Bring Me Their Hearts ended with the twist of Varia being alive, and Bring Me Their Bones quickly changes things up with a different witch taking possession of Zera's heart. Before, either she stole Prince Lucian's heart and had her own returned to her or she didn't and had her heart shattered for her failure, but no matter what she at least had the piece of mind that she wouldn't be around for the fallout. However, now that she's under new orders, she's forced to watch all the pain and heartbreak her lies, betrayals, and true identity have caused the friends she didn't plan to make and the man she didn't mean to love. Now, not only does she have to see their hurt every day, she has to stay and watch her mere presence make it worse--and she can't leave until she gets her heart back. But, to get her heart back, she will have to teach a mad and deadly Valkerax to do something that she herself has only done once before--Weep.

I loved that we got to see Zera questioning whether or not she was ready to have her heart back, not because she didn't want to be human again, but because she wasn't sure she could face what she had done--the men she killed, the people she betrayed--once her mortal heart was back in her chest and the Hunger was forever silent. Seeing her wrestle with this internal dilemma as well as once again having to walk the lines between saving her friends and saving herself brought more layers and texture to Zera and made her an even better character to follow. But, when there's an unknown, out of control witch loose in the city setting of earthquakes, starting fires, and endangering the people, Zera will have to team up with her old friends and not-so-old love to save the one place she never expected to consider home. And, perhaps along the way, Prince Lucian and her friends will see enough humanity left in her to make her worth saving too. Go ahead, Bring Me Their Bones and let's see if we can use them to stitch this world and this love back together!
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Check out my review of Bring Me Their Hearts!